GH Winter Guard

Winter Guard is the sport of the arts. It derives from Color Guard which is an outdoor based sport that competes with the Marching band. Winter Guard is performs a themed show inside, in a gym or arena and competes using pre-recorded music. It utilizes artistic expression through dance, flag spinning/tricks, rifle and sabre work.


At Green Hope High School, Membership is open to all Green Hope students as well as its feeding middle school students. The season runs from November through April.


Rehearsals: Mondays and Wednesdays 

JV 4:00 - 6:00 pm

Varsity 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Practice Flags for home use will be available for purchase at registration. Students do not need to bring the practice flag back and forth to school. 


Guard students often go from spinning flags to spinning rifles fairly quickly.  The usage of rifles in a show is up to the Guard Director.  Rifles are usually required within the first year of joining guard.  If your student is planning to do winter guard and you want to know whether your student needs a rifle, please have them discuss this with the Guard director Johnny. 


Ordering of Rifles and Sabres is the responsibility of the guard family.  Please order from the vendor below and be careful to order specifically what is written here.

Be aware that the shipping time on rifles and sabres can be 4-6 weeks and plan accordingly. This is a small business that is shipping a large box across the country.


Designs by King (


Rifle (usually required in the first year)

  • King Kong rifle (Kong rifles are approximately $50)  they are strong and well made.
  • Item # KKR37BB
  • 37.5”
  • Black strap/black bolt

Sabre (optional, used in advanced guard shows and only by the “weapons line”)

  • King Sabre
  • KS2-39”




Winter Guard 2022


Green Hope Winterguard 2022 PCHS 


Color Guard Montage