Create an Account for Band

All Green Hope Band students and parents (including Band Classes) need an account on This is where up-to-date contact information is maintained, and used to communicate with students and parents regarding all things Band.


If you need help at any time, please email:

Open User Account

The first step is to log in.

  • Returning User?
    • update your information if needed (change of address, phone number)
    • add younger sibling to your account
  • New User?
    • create an account

If you have a band account, but forgot your password, click "I forgot my password."

If you have forgotten which email address you used, email



Provide Contact information

Click on "Parent and Student Information" and you'll see the form below.

Please fill it out carefully.

This is the contact information that will be used for all things band at Green Hope including classes.

Even if you provided this information last year, please double check everything.



Click "Add Student" and then fill out your student's contact information. Please discuss with them which email address to use. Also, later students will create their own account on the website.  The email address they use for that MUST MATCH to ensure that orders, payments, and registrations all match.  Fill out all the blanks and click save.  (The fields that don't offer a blank to fill in are updated automatically by registration).




After hitting save, you'll see a green check mark next to Parent & Student Information.


If you're registering for marching band, go to the home page and follow the registration steps.


If you're registering for band class, you'll see the Formal Concert Attire form ready for you to complete.